Wargaming Tradecraft: Contest: The Winners!


Contest: The Winners!

Allllllrighty folks - Thanks everyone who participated in my way of sharing back .. I know the quality isn't so great compared to other paint jobs (woo, table-top quality, yeah!) but it's still my way of showing I appreciate everyone who visits, reads and shares here.

And now, I have my list of entries together, as well as a random number generator. (duplicates will be rerolled)

Before I plug those numbers in, I'll remind everyone how it's going to work - I've assigned everyone a number in the order I received their entries, two numbers if you followed on both Google and Facebook - I'm going to generate 6 numbers - the first will win the light primer model, then the dark, and so on from left to right in the above photo. (No winning twice though, don't be greedy)

Annnnd here we gooo....

Congrats to everyone who won, and better luck next time to all those who participated. I can see myself doing another one of these in the future..

If you're a winner, email me your shipping information so I can get your mini out to you!