Wargaming Tradecraft: Step by Step - Pumpkin Golem


Step by Step - Pumpkin Golem

[Update] I meant to add a little introduction and got carried away writing the actual tutorial. This is part of a project I gave myself for October, but due to illness and crazy work related matters, was delayed. You can see the rough outline of what I'm creating above. I've already written a tutorial on how I created the Spooky Tree. Stick around as I complete the rest of the project including a Zombie Scarecrow that acts as the switch that will turn on the lights in the patch of carved human heads behind the Golem you're about to see me paint.
[Update] The model is from Reaper Miniatures, the Pumpkin Golem "Rotpatch". They've got a number of other pumpkin themed goodies as well.

 For this project I'm using black primer to give things an overall darker look.

By avoiding the deeper recesses while you're painting, or only lightly letting your brush flow into darker areas, you create some natural shading.
  • Pumpkins
    • Calthan Brown, avoiding the recesses and most cracks.
  • Vines
    • Charadon Granite, giving the vines a deeper base colour.
  • Leaves
    • Orkhide Shade, as a nice strong green base.
  • Gore
    • Red Gore
  • Scythe Handle
    • Scorched Brown
  • Scythe Blade
    • Fenris Grey, going the NMM route.

  • Pumpkins
    • Macharius Orange.
    • Since I always paint with a wet brush, I'm layering the orange ontop of the brown AND itself as I paint, intensifying the orange in places I layer more times. This blending (seen well on his back) is used to only paint a little orange onto the areas where shadow would exist and strengthen the orange where light would be hitting.
  • Vines
    • Catachan Green to add the needed green to the vines, avoiding recesses.
  • Leaves
    • Woodland Green to start with a strong green. (Woodland doesn't exist anymore, so maybe Snot?)
  • Gore
    • P3 Khador Red, lightly painted on the previous dark red. I use P3 because it paints over darks well.
  • Scythe Handle
    • Dark Flesh, concentrating on where light would be hitting the handle / raised areas, leaving the shadows dark.
  • Scythe Blade
    • Astronomicon Grey, on the upper areas, avoiding the blade edge.

  • Pumpkins, Gore
    • Ogryn Flesh Wash
  • Vines, Leaves
    • Gryphonne Sepia Wash
  • Scythe Handle
    • Devlan Mud Wash
  • Scythe Blade
    • Badab Black Wash

  • Pumpkins
    • Blazing Orange highlight, focusing on areas where light would be hitting, completely avoiding shadows.
  • Vines
    • Knarlac Green, highlight. (This dulls the vines at the same time, but that's fixed in the next step)
  • Leaves
    • Desert Yellow, for a more withered look.
  • Gore
    • Blood Red, to intensify the dull P3 colour.
  • Scythe Handle
    • Tanned Flesh, some painted, some dry brushed and some washed over the dry brushed areas. This brings out the highlights and wood grain.
  • Scythe Blade
    • Fenris and Astronomicon Greys to highlight their respected areas away from the darker black areas and edges.

  • Pumpkin Stems
    • Iyanden Darksun highlight
  • Vines
    • Camo Green, to bring some life back into the colour of the vines, painted highlights and dry brushing, somewhat sporadically.
  • Leaves
    • Rotting Flesh, to highlight the tips and edges.
  • Scythe Blade
    • P3 White to highlight the edges.
    • Blood Splattering as directed by This Tutorial.